Thursday, May 23, 2013

People say the darndest things...

Why do people see a pregnant woman and say whatever pops into their heads? In everyday life, I am pretty sure you wouldn't go up to a stranger and  say "wow you're gut is really getting bigger," but because I am having a child soon, this exact quote was said to me just the other day. A part of me wanted to rebut, "yea, so is yours," but I held my tongue, smiled and said "ah the joys of pregnancy."

Other people have the audacity to say to pregnant women, "are you sure there's only one in there?" or "Wow, I can't believe you're only xx weeks along, I would have guessed you were much farther." Seriously? I dare someone to say one of these faux pas to me in the next few weeks, because I am pretty sure my response will be something along the lines of "yep, I am due in September, what's your excuse" or "yea, it's true, I am due in September, and by the looks of how you are carrying, I'd say you're having a boy a few months before me."

In all honesty, I feel pretty great right now and I am glad to finally be showing enough for people to know that I am not just fat, rather I am indeed pregnant. But something about the words "your gut" really rubbed me the wrong way. Referring to my expanding stomach as "baby bump" sounds so much cuter and more polite. So a word of advice, if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all. And think of the expectant mother's feelings before you blurt out something along the lines of "Holy sh*t balls you're getting fat!"

Friday, May 17, 2013

Finally expecting!

I can't believe I am already more than half way through this pregnancy. After nearly 2 years of trying to conceive, spending months on edge wondering if our efforts had worked and if this would be the month that I'd finally get that big fat positive, it's hard to believe that I am already just a month away from my third trimester. It's been an incredible journey and the fun has only just begun!

I was one of the unlucky women who, as I was reading the baby books, could check off just about every single pregnancy side effect listed - nausea at 5 weeks... Check. Vomiting daily weeks 6-20... Check. Migraines at the start of the second trimester... Check. Acne as if I'm a prepubescent teen... Check. Welcome to week 22... ouch my back hurts, my sides hurt and what the heck is that pain in my hooha... Check. Check. Check. The knowledge that this is all worth it because I will be given the opportunity to FINALLY be a mommy... Check times infinity!

Has it been a long, frustrating journey getting to this point? Absolutely. But has it brought my husband and me closer and so much more grateful to have been blessed with this beautiful baby growing inside of me? I can't even begin to express into words just how worth it these experiences have been and continue to be.

As this baby is kicking me at all hours of the day and night, all I can do is grin from ear to ear knowing that in just 18 short weeks, give or take a few days, baby Spills will be welcomed into this world. The love that I already have for this child is overwhelming at times, and I can only imagine how my heart will just burst when I am actually holding the little bugger in my arms. I can't wait to share this journey with all of you as I explore more about the term "Pregnancy Brain," attend child birth classes, register for baby items, and start setting up the nursery. Sit back and enjoy the stories as we get closer to the due date.